Jewelry, oh how we love our jewelry at Crystal Pathway!
Sometimes we love the jewelry for the energy of the crystal and the support it gives us. Sometimes we love the jewelry because it is perfect for an outfit! Whatever your reason, come in and let us help you find the perfect piece you are looking for.
You may have noticed that we often wear several pendants at a time. One reason to do this is, the pendants can support each other, and you, thereby amplifying an intention that you wish to create in your life. Give it a try and see if you like combining two different pendants that assist in an area you are wishing to have support in.
All the pieces that we carry are handpicked for you. Below is a sample of jewelry we have had in the past and some we currently have in the store. Come and see what is new today in Pendants, Rings, Earrings, and Bracelets. If you need a sterling silver chain for your pendant, we carry several different lengths.
Click on the pictures below for additional information.

Heals, protects, and promotes spiritual attunement. Strengthens the meridians and the subtle energy fields of the body.

Charoite - is a "stone of transformation". Opens the heart and crown chakra, cleanses the aura, stimulates unconditional love. Aids in decision making. Sugilite - one of the major "love stones" bringing the purple ray energy to earth. Helps you in answering the questions such as; Who am I?, Why am I here?, What else do I need to understand?

Helps to cleanse, purify and then transform dense energy into lighter vibration.

Mystic Topaz - helps to shed light on your spiritual path, highlights goals and taps into your inner resources ( coating of vaporized Titanium oxide) Iolite - visionary stone, activated the third eye and facilitates intuitive insight when all the chakras are in alignment. Helps you to express your true self. Blue Topaz - stone of true love and success in all endeavors

A crystal for prosperity, wealth, success, manifestation and abundance. Promotes inner calm.

Powerful healer, protector, enhances psychic abilities, spiritual awareness. Clears the aura, transmutes negative energy.

For "New Beginnings", connected to the moon. Soothes emotions, aids intuition, empathy and psychic abilities. Helps to open yourself to your spiritual gifts.

Brings serenity, clarity and deeply meditative consciousness. Aids in finding your true pathway.

Heals, protects, and promotes spiritual attunement. Strengthens the meridians and the subtle energy fields of the body.

Tiger Eye Gold - helps in reaching goals and paying attention to detail. Rutilated Quartz - assists one in getting to the root of a problem. The rutile is often referred to as angel hair. Citrine - A crystal for prosperity, wealth, success, manifestation and abundance. Promotes inner calm.

A visionary stone, activated the third eye and facilitates intuitive insight when all the chakras are in alignment. Helps you to express your true self.

Formed when a meteorite struck th earth. A stone of the new age, helping you to communicate with your higher self, ascended masters and cosmic messengers.

Super activator of the heart chakra and energizing the connection with the heart chakra and the higher self.

For "New Beginnings", connected to the moon. Soothes emotions, aids intuition, empathy and psychic abilities. Helps to open yourself to your spiritual gifts.

Rose Quartz - stone of unconditional love. Heals and opens the heart, calms and reassures deep feeling. Amethyst - heals, protects, and promotes spiritual attunement. Strengthens the meridians and the subtle energy fields of the body.